Seriously, why am I slightly freaked out by Ironman Wales being less than six months away now?
Still, I'm building up the training and have started doing a weekly trail run with the local tri club. Apparently I'm going to be leading a brick* in a few weeks too... All told I'm averaging about six hours of training a week and as the weather improves I'll find it much easier to get my time on the bike in.
There's still plenty to work on (and around) as the training ramps up. I've signed up for an intensive swim clinic with a former olympic coach who has a real technical focus. I'm going to be investigating the use of clip-on aerobars. Mornings are difficult too, so I'm going to be setting an alarm for early bedtime from now on. Randomly staying up past midnight is not treating me well... If I can get up more easily then morning workouts will really help me get my training done while keeping a semblance of a normal life.
To work around, well, I may (possibly) have a trip to Japan coming up. If that actually happens then I'll need to adjust my training plan for two weeks. Also I'm going to be working my swim schedule around eye appointments -- pool water isn't particularly clean, and after eye injections it's good to take several days out of the water. There's also a strong possibility of a second cataract surgery this year. That'll knock out more training time (and quite frankly, I don't relish more eye surgery).
Still, it's going to happen and I'm happy with my early season progress. At some point I'm going to have to start doing some proper fundraising though... this race isn't just for me. It's for all of us who suffer through distorted vision, an assault of therapies (immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, etc.), the threat of blindness, premature cataracts, glaucoma brought on by the treatment of our "incurable" disease - Uveitis.
Happy training, or whatever you choose to pursue!
*brick = bike then run (for non-tri types)
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