- Last weekend was my intensive freestyle clinic. Wow! Lois Daigneault is an awesome coach. And 12 hours at the pool, 7.5 in the water... is intense. I've learned a million things but am picking two main points to work on. Bring on free speed!
- My shoulders were fried on Monday, and I'd been cultivating a nasty sore throat since Thursday, so I rested. Rode to work, got a lift home as there was a fair bit of snow.
- Tuesday was a near write-off, just a 45min unstructured swim session. Saw the rheumatologist in the morning, so I drove to work. My blood-work looks good though. I'm going to be watching this carefully to also monitor physiological changes from my Ironman training.
- Wednesday afternoon I had an implant in my right eye to bring my macular edema back under control, so no swimming until next week. Evening workout was supposed to be an easy trail run, but I missed the group and went for a frustrated road run: 5.5mi (avg pace 7:18) and somehow I kept increasing speed all the way through the run. It's looking like a good run season, but I need to scale back the speed and run longer.
- Thursday and Friday were fairly useless training days. I did my bike commutes, and that's it. Except that on Friday I signed up for Ironman 70.3 Boulder. Hurrah!
- Today (Saturday) I went for a super-slow 30 mile ride with a friend. Felt good to get moving again, and I can see much better from my right eye. The left is a worry though - the cataract is getting worse so I may have to have surgery again soon.
Then tomorrow is a "no-drop" group brick (bike-run), where I'm supposed to be leading the thing. So it'll be a fairly easy pace 16mi ride, then a 3.5mi run. The cold/sore throat is starting to feel a bit better, so next week I'll try to get back on track with the training (and treatment - when illness strikes I have to stop the immuno-suppressants).
Happy training (and Easter)!
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